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Why Is Exercise Important For Losing Weight?

It really hurts when someone calls you fat or makes fun of you for being fat. We pretend like we don't care about what they say but we all know that we do. 


You might have tried a lot of fad diets or fat burning supplements to lose weight. Most of you are very conscious about your diet, which is a great thing. But, is it enough?


 If you are trying to lose weight or burn fats and you think that only changing your diet pattern would work, then you are probably wrong.


In this article, I would explain that how a daily exercise routine can speed up the process of burning fats.

Boosts the metabolism

Metabolism is a process by which your body converts what you eat or drink into energy. Even when your body is at rest, you are still using energy for basic functions in your body like breathing, circulating blood etc. 

A regular workout can speed up the process of metabolism, which helps in burning more fats.

Builds lean muscles

Strength training along with the cardio is very important as it builds lean muscle mass, which helps a lot in burning fats. The more muscles you build, the more fats you burn. So, I would recommend focusing on the strength training more than cardio. Increase your daily proteins intake as they are used for growth and repair of muscles.

Alright, I know what most of you are thinking at this moment. Your schedule doesn't allow you to hit the gym, right?

Well, a 15 to 20 minutes body-weight workout at home can also do wonders. So, stop making excuses and start exercising today.


  1. Thank you so much....I have started exercise at home after reading your previous blog .
    Much blessings


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